24th annual Spring Pier Show
Special music events on Saturday May 14, 2016 and Sunday May 15th, 2016
Saturday, May 14th: the acoustic performance series, UnPlugged in Red Hook. At 3:00 p.m., Jazz performance with David Segal (piano) and Seth Fahey (bass)
Sunday May 15th: Two unplugged in Red Hook in Red Hook concerts today: At 1:00 p.m., the eccentric and eclectic music of Rome 56, and at 3:00 p.m. is the bit country, bit bluesy, and bit rock 'n roll music of Jim Petrie.
The show is open weekends 1-6PM and runs through June 12
481 Van Brunt (Door 7) in Red Hook.
718- 596-2506
email bwacinfo@aol.com
or for more information, go to bwac.org