My name is Cynthia Tirado and I just recently moved to Red Hook after living in Carroll Gardens for the last 25 years. I am a retiree and supplement my somewhat meager income by selling antiques and collectibles both online (Ebay, Etsy, etc) and out of my home. In Carroll Gardens I lived in an area with a great deal of foot traffic (Henry & Union) and had many well attended and highly profitable sales right outside my home. Here in Red Hook my situation is quite different. The street I live on (Nelson right off Hamilton Ave) is pretty off the beaten path so the possibility of sales at my home is not really viable.
My impressions of Red Hook thus far is that it is very much a community on the rise and is full of creative / artistic people. Every where I go I see hipsters young and not so young. It seems to me that the area is ripe for some sort of Flea / Antique/Craft Market along the lines of Brooklyn Flea in Fort Greene ( without the ridiculously inflated prices) . Has anyone ever tried starting a flea in Red Hook ? Would anyone besides me be interested in starting one now ? I think somewhere on Van Brunt or near the waterfront would be ideal. Any suggestions about how I might hook up with other vendors who might be interested in getting together and trying to create a Red Hook Flea ? Any help and/or suggestions you can offer will be much appreciated .
Best Regards,